"Ulrich Noethen is able to convey a convincing impression of the inner conflict of a tragic hero who finds himself landing in one dictatorship after the other, according to the proverbial jumping out of the frying pan into the fire."
Reinhard Kleber - filmecho 08.06.2002

"Fabiola Campomanes says about her partner, Ulrich Noethen, it was a pleasant surprise for her that he was not “cool” at all. We matched each other wonderfully, particularly in the romantic scenes."
Carmen Sánchez Dávila, El Heraldo 4.04.2002

"…mediante una música atronadora, filtros y otros trucos que acercan el resultado final a los cánones de un 'thriller' trepidante."
Guilhem Sans, EFE (National News Agency of Spain) 10.03.2002

"We made this film about an issue which our young people in Mexico have hardly known anything about for 30 years, reports Eva López-Sánchez."
Exelsior 17.02.2002

"The director made it plain in the interview that “Francisca” is not intended to be a political analysis, but the dramatic story of a person, a figure, confronted with his own principles."
Salvador Franco Reyes, El Universal 31.01.2002